Friday, August 31, 2018

The Lighthouse

Today I spent some time on Folly Beach close to Charleston, South Carolina. I have always looking for lighthouse and often driven out of the way to find them. Here is something I wrote sitting on the beach looking at the lighthouse.

The Lighthouse

The fascination of light houses.
What is it? Why so enticing?
Why am I so drawn to them?

They guide the sailor’s way
Safely to the harbor from the sea.
Warning of perils along the way.

Their beacon at night shines afar
Giving hope to the captain of ships,
Alerted to dangers and their port is in sight.

God is my lighthouse always there
His light shining night or day,
Showing us the way safely home.

I will keep my eyes firmly on the light
To guide, direct, warn, and show the way.
My path to make clear through my life.

Today I moved back to traveling in solitude. The time with my daughter and grandchildren was great--especially having someone to do the tourist thing with, someone to sit and eat with, and people to surround me in the morning and at night. It is truly an adjustment to the single life. I can't say I am embracing it but am adjusting to it.

"When someone we love dies, God hides a smile in every memory and hope in every tear." This quote was in one of my devotional books yesterday. Then I real this scripture this morning from Deuteronomy 28:13 - "The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom." Believing God has great benefits and here is one of them. God will be sure my emotions will be on the top. That doesn't mean I won't have depressing days--certainly I have had several since I left home. But God will keep working with me to bring me back up when I get down. Traveling alone is not my choice, but God is with me each day!

Today I am thankful for:
  1. Another day at the ocean.
  2. Safety on the roads.
  3. Seeing the ruins of the beautiful Old Sheldon Church.
  4. Finding a hotel room on Labor Day weekend.
  5. The excitement of seeing historic Charleston, SC tomorrow.
  6. Seeing a lighthouse--one of my favorites.
  7. A great visit in Georgia.
  8. Prayers and tears on the beach.
  9. God's faithfulness.
  10. God promising to keep me up on top even on down days.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. L. Cox