Saturday, August 18, 2018

Tough Week

This will probably be the practice for the future. Some weeks are just down all week! So many triggers and memories to take me to a place of mourning. Today was one of those particularly. One of the gentlemen, Dale Hawkins, who spoke at Jerry's Celebration of Life service here passed away on Wednesday from the brain cancer that attacked his body a year ago. He was a sweet Christian man who was greatly influenced by Jerry.

I remember after my mom died years ago, I didn't attend a funeral for about a year because it was just too difficult. This one I knew would be as I planned to attend but wanted to honor this fine man and the memory of Jerry. It was a time of remembering and crying--lots of crying. Tears are so cleansing if you will remember I posted a quote something like, "what soap is the the body, tears are to the soul."

This afternoon, we were privileged to meet another Ph.D. engineering student who is Milad's new roommate. They had us over for lunch at their new apartment for the year. Arman also came but we didn't see Reza. The new student is Mohammad. We (Tim, Lynn, David, and Kinsey) had a great lunch cooked by these guys. Here they are.

David arrived back from his world travels to Japan and the Philippines at least 2 inches taller and with a voice change. He even has fuzz on his face and was talking about needing to shave soon. What a summer of growth! He had a great time and experienced great differences between countries.

John 14:18 - "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." Yes, God brought a joyous afternoon to me after my tough morning at the funeral. My week has been so busy there was no time to drive to get a massage from my 2 favorite therapist, so decided to go to a no-appointment-necessary place. They were already closed but as I was driving to get back on the highway, I spotted another place, walked right in and got my muscles loosened before my drive on Monday. Yes, God is always there with comfort and anything else I need.

What I am thankful for today:

  1. The beautiful life celebrated of Dale Hawkins today.
  2. Seeing several old friends at the service.
  3. David's safe arrival back home.
  4. The growth he has made over the summer in physical, mental, and spiritual maturity.
  5. The wonderful friends we have made with these smart Ph.D. students at OU.
  6. A massage to get me ready for Monday's travel.
  7. Beautiful memories of Jerry every day.
  8. Cleansing tears.
  9. The hope of Christians for a better life.
  10. God's comfort with me every day!
Pray for safety on my trip please. I am driving far, far away and will be gone almost a month!

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. L. Cox