Tuesday, August 14, 2018

An unusual trigger of sound

The workmen are coming each day to make progress on my bathroom redo. Today was the day for the carpenter who is putting in a closet in the old shower, adding shelves, putting in the door, and the baseboards. Once he was set up and starting working, I heard the sound of the air compressor gun. Jerry used his for all his projects. The first time I heard the "gun" shoot a nail, the tears flowed. It really surprised me what that sound did for me. Of course, when we built the sun room and heard that sound, Jerry was still alive. The sound didn't bother me then with him sitting beside me.

It is amazing how many things remind me of Jerry! He has journals everywhere, and I often pick one up and read something he wrote. Often, it is notes from a sermon with a thought he had and developed further. I have enjoyed very much taking naps in his recliner where he spent so much of the stroke sleeping. It makes me feel Jerry is surrounding me with his warmth--I love that feeling and miss that feeling at the same time.

Today has been a rainy day. Those remind me of Jerry because as my joints start to hurt with the change in weather, I remember the tremendous pain he suffered with any weather change. It thrills my heart to know he has no more joint pain in heaven! But I sure have heart pain here!

Jeremiah 31:13b - "I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow." This is a promise from God and used in the GriefShare materials. Yes, I know God gives comfort and joy to the grieving. It isn't joy that is bouncing off the walls. It is joy knowing God is in control, Jerry is by his side, and I am not alone here. Joy comes from our salvation in the Lord and the hope we have of an eternal home some day. It is true joy because it comes from God and not from anything earthly here. And God's comfort is the perfect comfort. When we as humans try to comfort someone, we can easily say the wrong words, come at the wrong time, or even give the wrong gift. God knows just what to say--it is in His word. If we are daily in His word, those comforting verses will come to you. I know this because they come to me!

Today I am thankful for:

  1. Getting together for lunch today with a friend I grew up with in Dallas.
  2. Sharing with each other about our husband's strokes. Her husband had a stroke 11 years ago and she is still caregiving.
  3. Rain to make everything green.
  4. Real progress on my bathroom project.
  5. The excitement of planning my trip next week.
  6. A delicious new restaurant, The Owl Shoppe, in Shawnee, OK for lunch today.
  7. A low-key day with the rain.
  8. Chocolate--only dark of course.
  9. Getting to work on my book tonight.
  10. God's promise to turn my mourning into gladness and sorrow into joy!
Look at the color of these gladiolas! God's color palette is amazing!

I am getting 4-6 Facebook friend requests from widowers around the country each week! Delete, delete, delete!

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. L. Cox