Saturday, August 11, 2018

I Didn't Lose Jerry

In my GriefShare class last Monday night, we had a lesson on Heaven. It is so common for us to say we lose someone when they pass away, and I say it all the time. I lost Jerry December 30. However, the class pointed that to lose someone means you don't know where they are. With Jerry as with so many other Christians I have had die in my lifetime, they are not lost--I know exactly where they all are and especially my sweet guy. He is singing his heart out in the angel choir!

It is one more thought to help me adjust my thinking to my single life. Yes I still miss Jerry but know he is in such a better place with a perfect and whole body. Something else in the video was the point that even though we miss our loved one, they are probably not missing us in their new life. It is a great life and they know we will eventually join them.

I am getting ready for my next trip which will take me to Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Tennessee. I currently have 3 speaking engagements to share my testimony about how God took care of us during our 22 months. This also helps me with my grieving process so much to be able to share about my God! It is more difficult to stay in the depths of grief when you are praising God to others. And just as we are about to get some cooler weather here (in the 70s!), I am heading to Georgia where it is hot and humid! Oh what we do for the love of our children! (Kara and family live in Georgia close to Savannah.)

This week was also productive for my book. The writing process is good for me to work through again God's care and relive the time with Jerry. We had some extremely difficult times as well as huge blessings and a peace that could only come from God. "However, as it is written: What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”the things God has prepared for those who love him." I am so honored God is giving me the privilege to travel, see lots of old friends, and share my testimony with so many people. My mind could really not conceive what is happening to me right now. It is amazing!

Today I am thankful for:

  1. Opportunities to speak and share my testimony.
  2. The beauty of my garden with rain last week.
  3. Releasing now 13 black swallowtail butterflies and 11 chrysalises to go.
  4. The GriefShare classes I attended (I have a few sessions to make up).
  5. The time I have with the twin boys on Thursday night--they are so adorable.
  6. Master Gardeners meeting Friday with an super interesting class on honey bees--God is above awesome in His creations!
  7. Good sleep this week.
  8. Great quiet times in the mornings and the blessing of prayer.
  9. David will be coming home this week after 5 weeks in Japan and the Philippians.
  10. The things God has prepared for me!
Here is my sweetie--I certainly didn't lose him. He is in heaven singing!

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. L. Cox