Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Waterfalls of Life

The Waterfalls of Life
Inspired by Linville Falls, North Carolina
By Lois Cox

Water rushing, constantly rushing
Falling over rocks ever downward
Ever flowing with no end in sight.
Where Why? What? Comes to mind.

Water running ever on its path
Slowing only for a pool to rest.
Then back to the swirling rapids
And the rush builds again.

Life is like a waterfall moving
Starting so small so far from here.
Then building and growing as it moves
Slowly emptying at the end.

As you rush through life,
Enjoy the calming pools
Rest to gather strength
For the rapids still to come.

God is with you in the rush
And He provides the pools of stillness.
God guides your moving path
By creating the channels of life.

The pools of stillness are God’s reprieve.
His way of providing a time of peace.
Draw close to Him in the quiet
And He will meet your needs.

The stillness gives needed rest
And helps to build your strength.
He draws us close to Him
To prepare us for what is next.

Welcome these pools of respite.
Grow in the times of quiet
Because soon you will move again
To the rapids of busy life.

Some day the waters of your life
Will reach its end here
And empty into the ocean of God’s eternity
Where the pools of His love and peace await.

Here is a quote I gleaned from a TED Talk I listened to this week. "Grief is a raging river and you have to get into it because when you do it carries you to the next place. It eventually takes you to open land somewhere where it will turn out OK in the end." ~Simone George. This trip has plunged me into the raging river and helped me immensely in my grieving process. Seeing friends from long ago, ministering to people individually or speaking to them in a group, and being in God's nature has helped me move to a new place farther down the grief journey.

Philippians 1:4-6 - " In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." I believe God is doing a good work in my by allowing me to share with others my testimony of His amazing care through my time of caregiving. I know when my work is done here, He will take me home to join Jerry. What a win/win situation!

Today I am thankful for:

  1. Wonderful time visiting Nashville.
  2. Great renewal of friendship with Sandra from 40 years ago.
  3. Stimulating spiritual conversation with Sandra.
  4. A quiet place for my morning quiet time on their back porch.
  5. The beautiful lake today to sit and visit with Sandra.
  6. Learning more about my trip to Israel in March (I am staying with my tour hosts).
  7. God's nature and being able to spend time close to God.
  8. God's care on my long trip.
  9. Being able to share tonight at Sandra's church.
  10. God doing a good work in me through my testimony.
Pray for my travels home tomorrow--back to Oklahoma!!!

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. L. Cox